- كلنا يسمع عن التقدم العلمى والتكنولوجى التى وصل اليه الغرب وعلى وجه الخصوص المانيا وبطبيعة الحال فقد نال علم المكتبات والمعلومات نصيب وافر من هذا التقدم ومن هذه التكنولوجيا الحديثة فى هذا البلد الرائع (المانيا) ، وفيما يلى ساقدم تقريرا مختصرا وليس مفصلا عن زيارة علمية قمت به لبعض المكتبات الجامعية فى ألمانيا فى يوليو الماضى 2007 محاولا ان اعكس ما رأيته وما حصلت عليه من معلومات فى مجال المكتبات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات متمنيا أن يستفيد كل من حولى وكل المهتمين بمجال المكتبات كما أستفدت من هذه الزيارة المثمرة ، مقتديا بقول رسول اللـه صلى اللـه عليه وسلم "خيركم من تعلم العلم وعلمه" صدق رسول اللـه صلى اللـه عليه وسلم.. أخرجه البخاري في كتاب فضائل القرآن، باب خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه، برقم 4639.
مكتبة جامعة شتوتجارت The Library of Stuttgart University
أولا: نبذة تاريخية:
تم انشاء مكتبة جامعة شتوتجارت فى وسط مدينة شتوتجارت بألمانيا عام 1829م وكانت المكتبة حينذاك جزء من الجامعة نفسها (جامعة شتوتجارت) وكانت تسمى الجامعة التقنية Technical university ومنذ عام 1957 تم انشاء الجزء الاخر من الجامعة (جامعة فاينن Vaihingen university) فى مدينة شتوتجارت ايضا وتضم اوعية معلومات فى تخصصات علم الهندسة والعلوم الاجتماعية والهندسة المعمارية ،، وبذلك تكون مكتبة جامعة شتوتجارت تتألف من المكتبة الرئيسية فى وسط المدينة (Württemberg) وفرع المكتبة (Vaihingen) على بعد 8 كيلو متر.
تعد مكتبة شتوتجارت من المكتبات العامة والاكاديمية فى نفس الوقت (فالسياسة تختلف عن مصر) حيث يمكن لاى مواطن يحمل الجنسية الالمانية ان يصبح عضوا فى مكتبة الجامعة دون ان يكون طالب او موظف فى الجامعة ويستطيع كذلك ان يستفيد من جميع الاوعية مثل الطالب العادى ، تخدم المكتبة الباحثين والطلاب وتقدم خدمات البحث وغيرها للطلاب والدارسين فى الجامعة .
ثانيا: مقتنيات المكتبة:
تحتوى مكتبة جامعة شتوتجارت على :
1.000.000 مجلد ، منهم 500.00 مجلد على الارفف المفتوحة .
5.000 دورية فى الشكل التقليدى (الورقى)
31755 عنوان فى الدوريات الالكترونية online journals
تحصل المكتبة على حوالى 400 رسالة دكتوراة كل عام.
“The Library of Stuttgart University - Universitätsbibliotek Stuttgart”
- ProfileThe Stuttgart University Library is a (public) academic library. It mainly services research, teaching and learning at the Stuttgart University.
As central technical library for the state of Württemberg it also is open for users from outside the university, e.g. private persons, institutions, companies and administrations.
The Stuttgart University Library consists of a Main Library Downtown and a Branch Library Vaihingen (distance 8 km).
- HoldingsThe Stuttgart University Library holds
§ 1.100.000 volumes, including 500.000 volumes in open access
§ 5.000 current periodicals, norm and standards
- Special collections§ mainly natural sciences and technology, architecture
§ basic holdings in economics, social science and humanities Using conditions and special services The Stuttgart University Library
§ is a lending library – the lending term is 1 month. The circulation system Horizon is in use
§ has a reference library and reading rooms with ca. 800 reading places
§ offers copying on commission (also for colour copies), self-service copying, microfiches-readers
§ offers interlibrary lending service, i.e. lending service between the Stuttgart University Library and other Libraries in the state of Württemberg, in Germany and outside from Germany
§ offers – via the local area network of the University – access to information about special literature (periodicals articles) by CD-ROM data files (ReDI project). The access to the numerous data files is realized by the DBIS-System
§ offers online-search in external databases
§ offers electronic publishing of masters theses, dissertations, reports, proceedings and lecture notes in the OPUS-system (OPUS = ´Online Publishing in the University of Stuttgart´)
§ operates the local online-catalogue & regional catalogue, which provides a effective access via the World Wide Web to
Ø the online-catalogue of the Stuttgart University Library
Ø the online-catalogue of the Library System of the Stuttgart University
Ø the Union Catalogue of
· the three big academic libraries in Stuttgart (Stuttgart University Library, Hohenheim University Library and the Library of the state of Württemberg) with the possibility to access the circulation system
· the Library Systems of the Universities Stuttgart and Hohenheim and
· 12 Libraries of universities of applied sciences
§ offers access to the Electronic Periodical Library of the Stuttgart University Library (EZB)
§ E-Books
§ Portal of the region of Stuttgart
-InternetThe homepage of the Stuttgart University Library
http://www.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/-Library ServicesUser orientation and user friendliness stand with all services of the UBS in the center. Their task is the procurement, supply and development of media of all kinds. The past concentration on printed documents must be however necessarily supplemented by the simple, current and reliable supply of electronic media. The UBS fulfills these tasks through.
· A medium offer meeting demand.
· The fast supply of printed and electronic media and information.
· Clear presentation and list of the existence.
· Reliable entrance system to catalog and check-out counter.
· Content wise development of the again acquired media after uniform principles.
· Supply and switching of extensive data base and specialized news services.
· An efficient use service, consultation and training course offers.
If media are missing in the UBS, then they procure these from other library and information systems through remote borrow, document delivery services and on-line searches.
As information center the UBS - partially in co-operation with the computing centre of the University of Stuttgart will continue to develop the following offers:
· Publication, spreading and switching of electronic university writings of the University of Stuttgart (
-Library Departments- Acquisition Department3.1.1. Dissertations and book exchange.
- This is the department which is responsible for obtaining the Dissertations and habilitations from professors also responsible for exchanging Dissertations or habilitations between other libraries either in Germany or outside Germany like in Japan, China, and Egypt.
- The department only receives the PHD Dissertations not Diploma Dissertations because they are too much.
- For each Dissertation the professor had to deliver 8 hardcopies and 1 soft copy published on (Online Publication System – OPUS).
- In some cases professors deliver about 45 copies of their Dissertations & the library distribute them as follows:
o 1 è copy for borrowing.
o 1 è copy for archiving.
o 4 è copies for supervisor.
o 1 è copy for the Faculty.
o The rest for exchanging between other libraries after having permission from the Faculty.
- Total Numbers of Dissertations and habilitations in the Stuttgart university libraries amount 100.000:200.000 Dissertations.
- Dissertations are cataloging by SWB library system, this system using in the most of libraries in Germany, each library can catalogue its items whether: books, periodicals and Dissertations.. Etc and other libraries don’t need to repeat the cataloguing for the items which already catalogued in SWB system.
- Librarians in the Dissertations department doing data entry for the bibliographic data for Dissertations on PICA and LIBRO library systems then they sent the bibliographic data to circulation department in order to entry these data on HORIZON library system which is using in circulation process.
- Dissertations department in Stuttgart university library issues bi-year report for the latest Dissertations and you can find in this report a mark like *) and it means there are copies from this Dissertation for exchanging.
- Total number of yearly Dissertations which presented to Dissertations department about 360 to 370 Dissertations.
- Collection Management Department:-The Collection Management department divided into 3 sub departments as shown below:
1- Books
2- Magazines and newspaper
3- Dissertations.
1- Books department: this department is responsible for purchasing books and other materials in the library, and it is also contain some departments:
- purchasing books
- Exchanging books
- Gifts (books and other items)
- purchasing books procedures:
3.1 Electronic services Department
3.1.1 Internet Services.
3.1.2 Online Databases.
- Circulation Department
3.2.1 Inter Library Loan.
3.2.2 Traditional Circulation.
-Cataloging Department4.3.1 The online-catalogue
The local online-catalogue of the Stuttgart University Library is equipped as a view on the online-catalogue of the South-West German Cataloguing Union (SWB; Union Catalogue of the State of Baden-Württemberg,).
In addition to the local online-catalogue, there is a common online-catalogue for the libraries in the region of Stuttgart, the so called “Regional Catalogue Stuttgart” (“Regionalkatalog Stuttgart”). As well as the local online-catalogue, the regional catalogue Stuttgart is equipped as a view on the online-catalogue of the SWB.
The Stuttgart University Library runs this catalogue in cooperation with the Hohenheim University Library and the Württemberg State Library.
The Stuttgart University Library is one of the numerous participants of the SWB
The Stuttgart University Library records it’s titles in the Union database of the SWB.
The title records are catalogued by a special Client (WinIBW-Software) und displayed via the Web. In the past, every two weeks, the local online-catalogue was fed with data from the SWB offline.
-Periodicals Department4.4.1. The Electronic Journal Library (EZB)
http://rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/index.phtml?bibid=UBS&colors=7&lang=deGeneral Information
The Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB (Electronic Journals Library) offers an effective use of both scientific and academic journals publishing full text articles in the internet.
This service has been developed at the Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg (University Library of Regensburg) in cooperation with the Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität München (University Library of the Technical University of Munich). All the time, the EZB is being further
enlarged . Meanwhile, 416 libraries and research institutions make use of this service in their daily work.
They collect the titles cooperatively and update the bibliographic data jointly in a central database. For each participating institution, we generate a range of electronic journals adapted to the respective library's requirements. Each member can administer for itself the locally licensed journals and integrate individual user instructions by means of a decentralized specific license administration. Online journals on subscription can therefore be offered within the same system as free e-journals.The Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg is in charge of the technical maintenance and further development.